Tag: radical gnosis

  • Judas: The Greatest Disciple?

    Judas: The Greatest Disciple?

    At the climax of Dante’s Inferno, the narrator and his guide, Vergil, make their way to the deepest part of hell in the centre of the Earth. Embedded there is the fallen Lucifer, a hideous, three-headed figure with batlike wings. Each of his heads is chewing mercilessly on an archvillain. Two are reserved for Brutus and…

  • Awakening Our True Potential

    Awakening Our True Potential

    Man is born an unfinished creature. He cannot walk or talk or feed himself. Long years of care are required to bring him to even the most minimal levels of self-sufficiency. And yet even after the typical person has reached the stage of functioning that we call adulthood, something still seems to be missing. In…

  • Gnostic Tradition in Australia

    Gnostic Tradition in Australia

    A Gnostic study circle was established in Australia in 1886. Known as ‘The Melbourne Gnostic Society’, the group’s purpose was the study of “Theosophy and kindred matters.” Later becoming ‘The Gnostic Theosophical Society’, it was central to the foundation of the Theosophical Society in Australia. Madame H.P. Blavatsky, the co-founder of the worldwide Theosophical Society…

  • Out of Body Experience

    Out of Body Experience

    Belief: A state or habit of mind in which trust confidence, or reliance is placed in some person or thing: FAITH. Gnosis: Of, relating to, or characterized by knowledge or cognition. – Webster’s Third New International Dictionary When Robert Monroe began having his first out-of-body adventures in 1958 only two scholarly, scientific books had been written about the…

  • Pre-Nicene Christianity

    Pre-Nicene Christianity

    Dr. Stephan A. Hoeller reminds us that “having known him [Richard, Duc de Palatine] for more than twenty years the present writer can attest that this modern Gnostic leader was also profoundly learned in Gnostic scriptures and wished his church to be truly a Gnostic one.” We are making Bishop Richard, Duc de Palatine’s essay…

  • The Gospel of Mary Magdelene

    The Gospel of Mary Magdelene

    Of all the earliest followers of Christ, none has sparked the level of interest generated by one particular woman – the biblical figure known as Mary Magdalene. Revered as a saint, maligned as a prostitute, imagined as the literal bride of Christ, Mary of Magdala stands apart as an enigmatic individual about whom little is…

  • The Gnostics: An Interview with Tobias Churton

    The Gnostics: An Interview with Tobias Churton

    Tobias Churton is one of today’s most lively and spirited investigators of that underground stream of the Western tradition known as Gnosticism. He first became interested in the Gnostics while reading for a degree in theology at the University of Oxford in the 1970s. Soon after leaving, he became interested in exploring these ideas for…

  • True Light of Christ

    True Light of Christ

    True religion is based upon the premise that Truth, or the way of life as it really is, cannot be understood by a materialistic approach to life. Questions arising with regard to the materialistic approach and the true spiritual approach differ enormously because organised religion fits its tenets into crystallised ideas on life and being…

  • Gnosis vs Gnosticism

    Gnosis vs Gnosticism

    There is much misunderstanding in the minds of the students of truth as to what is really meant by the word Gnosis. The word itself is a Greek word meaning knowledge, but it does not simply refer to the popular view or the assimilation of a lot of facts and figures. Gnosis refers to the deep inner…