Tag: Duc de Palatine

  • Gnosis vs Gnosticism

    Gnosis vs Gnosticism

    There is much misunderstanding in the minds of the students of truth as to what is really meant by the word Gnosis. The word itself is a Greek word meaning knowledge, but it does not simply refer to the popular view or the assimilation of a lot of facts and figures. Gnosis refers to the deep inner…

  • Pre-Nicene Christianity

    Pre-Nicene Christianity

    Dr. Stephan A. Hoeller reminds us that “having known him [Richard, Duc de Palatine] for more than twenty years the present writer can attest that this modern Gnostic leader was also profoundly learned in Gnostic scriptures and wished his church to be truly a Gnostic one.” We are making Bishop Richard, Duc de Palatine’s essay…

  • Gnostic Tradition in Australia

    Gnostic Tradition in Australia

    A Gnostic study circle was established in Australia in 1886. Known as ‘The Melbourne Gnostic Society’, the group’s purpose was the study of “Theosophy and kindred matters.” Later becoming ‘The Gnostic Theosophical Society’, it was central to the foundation of the Theosophical Society in Australia. Madame H.P. Blavatsky, the co-founder of the worldwide Theosophical Society…